VACCINE NEWS – December 16, 2021


We will be administering booster doses of the Covid vaccine in designated clinics in Primrose Gate Medical Centre over the coming weeks.

In order to be eligible for a booster dose of the Covid vaccine, you must be 16 years of age or older, have had your last dose of Covid vaccine at least 3 months ago and cannot have had Covid infection within the past 6 months. Please contact the medical centre to register your interest in receiving a booster vaccine. We can administer a dose of the Seasonal Influenza vaccine at the same time if you are 50 years of age or older and wish to avail of this vaccine also as recommended by NIAC and the HSE.

Please contact the medical centre by email at [email protected] to register your interest.


The Seasonal Influenza Vaccine is now available in Primrose Gate Medical Centre.

  • Only patients who qualify by age or who are in a ‘HSE recommended group for Influenza vaccination’ (see below) can avail of the vaccine.
  • The vaccine and its administration are free to those who qualify.

There are three formulations of the Flu vaccine available this year and the vaccine you receive will depend on your age/underlying health condition.

  1. Patients aged 65 years and over will receive an adjuvanted quadrivalent vaccine or the standard quadrivalent vaccine as stocks allow.
  2. Patients aged 50-64 years will receive the standard quadrivalent vaccine.
  3. Patients aged 6 to 23 months and 18 to 64 years who fall into one of the groups listed below will receive the standard quadrivalent vaccine.
  4. Patients aged 2 to 17 years will receive the nasal influenza vaccine.

Our Practice Nurse is running dedicated clinics to facilitate safe and efficient administration of the vaccine.

Please contact the medical centre on (01) 6012903 to arrange an appointment for the vaccine.


  1. Chronic Respiratory Disease
  2. Pregnant Woman
  3. Chronic Heart Disease
  4. Chronic Renal Failure
  5. Chronic Liver Disease
  6. Chronic Neurological Disease
  7. Immunosuppressed (due to disease or treatment)
  8. Household contacts or out of home carer (to persons with increased medical risk)
  9. Diabetes Mellitus
  10. Morbidly Obese
  11. Haemoglobinopathies
  12. Children with conditions that compromise respiratory function
  13. Resident of a nursing home or other long-stay facility
  14. Carers
  15. CarersPeople in close contact with pigs, poultry or waterfowl
  16. Children on long term aspirin therapy
  17. Health Care worker – Medical / Dental
  18. Health Care worker – Nursing
  19. Health Care worker – Health and Social Care staff
  20. Health Care worker – Management / Administration
  21. Health Care worker – General Support staff
  22. Other Health Care worker
  23. Age 65 and over
  24. Down Syndrome
  25. Clinical necessity

Thank you for bearing with us in recent months.  It continues to be a challenging time for all.